Pauline Smith

[Facebook] Since 2000, photographer Pauline Smith has taken her cameras to Canada, China, France, Greece, Italy, Macau, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and across the U.S.  Pauline uses a Holga camera with 120mm film to create her B&W images. ”  I use the Holga for its inherent dream-like quality.  When I create an image, I look for angles/curves, asymmetry/symmetry, light/shadow and texture.  I look to find the familiar in a place I have never been.  I look to capture an otherwise missed moment.  I look for stillness.” Pauline lives in Seattle, WA and has shown her work in solo and group exhibitions in the greater Seattle area since 2002.

Pauline Smith

Eze Woman

Pauline Smith

Mont Saint Michel

Pauline Smith

Playa de los Muertos

Pauline Smith

Salt Spring Island

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